Best gay porn actors 2020

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Skyy Knox and director Chi Chi LaRue photo by Jeff Koga On Str8Up’s award show, mr.Pam was nominated for Best Director alongside Chi Chi LaRue for their work on NakedSword’s Scared Stiff 2. When the Academy Awards released this year’s nominations for the Director category, porn performer Ty Mitchell tweeted saying: “The gay porn awards nominated more female director than the Oscars”, following fierce criticism of the Academy for nominating only men and shutting out women directors including Greta Gerwig for her ‘Little Women’ and Lulu Wang for ‘The Farewell’. Last night this group took #GayVNAwards to the next level with their hosting skills, CEO red carpet trophy boys and ? /jK78i7Z9yv The awards included a line up of official GayVN Awards as well as a section of fan-voted, fan favourite awards. Musical act King Princess photo by Rick Garcia

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Shangela also made an appearance on hosting duties and performers King Princess and Alyssa Edwards entertained viewers. The GayVN Awards, gay porn awards commonly referred to as the ‘Oscars of Gay Porn’, took place on Monday night with Alec Mapa and Nicole Byer as this year’s award hosts.

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